Showing 211–228 of 228 results


The sweetly aromatic and delicately seductive scent of bourbon vanilla leaves a
silky, enveloping trail like an eau de parfum.


Vanilla Kisses

Delicate, sensual and seductive scent with hints of vanilla and musk

HEARTкардамон, цветок ванили
BASEамбра, ваниль, древесина кедра, корица, мускус


A pleasant, herbaceous note defines the ethereous scent of verbena



Loving and light, with an extravagant charm. This scent is distinguished by its sweet
and fruity note. Rounded off with a dash of cinnamon, cardamom, pepper
and lemon oil, you will notice its distinctive exclusivity

TOPкарамель, лимон, персик, роза, слива
HEARTжасмин, кардамон, перец, шоколад
BASEамбра, ваниль, древесина кедра, корица, мускус


A slight and clear sweetness arousing the impression of flowery
pureness, innocence and freshness.



A noble and pleasant scent of walnut wood cozens with its harmonic senses

TOPореховое дерево


This fragrance is sporty and sexy. Musk brings the masculine nuance and
refreshing elements are taken over by maritime notes

TOPАнанас, лаванда, ландыш
HEARTгерань, жасмин, персик, сирень
BASEамбра, древесина кедра, мускус


The symbol of beauty and pureness is spreading its soft and balmy scent in a gentle manner.

TOPлимон, мандарин
HEARTжасмин, магнолия, персик, роза, фиалка
BASEдревесина сандала, мускус


Fresh and light scent composition with salty aspects
and sensual maritime nuances

TOPапельсин, лаванда, огурец, орегано
HEARTапельсиновый цветок, жасмин, ландыш, роза
BASEморские водоросли


A timeout from the daily chaos enabled by a composition
of lemongrass, rosemary and bergamot.

HEARTмасло лемонграсса, розмариновое масло
BASEеловая иголка

White Pearl

An exclusive and fresh laundry fragrance with a head note
dominated by bergamot, lemon and orange.

TOPапельсин, бергамот, лайм, ноты зелени
HEARTлаванда, роза
BASEдревесина кедра, мох

White Tea

This light and fresh Chinese blossom tea has a very special
charm with its sweet top note.

TOPбелый чай

Wild Orchid

A flowery aroma, convincingly noticeable in the room through its
romantic-sweet and slightly green shade.


Winter Vibes

A cool fragrance with transparent nuances of ethereal eucalyptus

TOPбергамот, эвкалипт
HEARTзелёный чай, роза, фиалка
BASEамбра, Дубовый мох, мускус


A Christmas fragrance composition made of various spices such as cinnamon,
cloves, lemon peel, nutmeg and gentle, warm Tonka bean and caramel nuances.

TOPапельсин, имбирь, лимон
HEARTгвоздика, кардамон, миндаль, мускатный орех
BASEбобы тонка, ваниль, карамель

Wonders of Nepal

Caribbean meets Orient: sweetens any room with the smell refined
by chocolate, musk and a splash of coconut.

TOPКардамон, мандарин, мускатный орех
HEARTгвоздика, кокос, корица, шоколад


A fresh, very green note, combined with nuances of mint, finished with high quality woody accords.

TOPгорная сосна, сосновая шишка
HEARTдревесина кедра, сено
BASEмускус, сандал

Wood fresh

Fresh cut wood, a pleasantly fresh enjoyment for your nose

TOPсвежая древесина