Showing 181–210 of 228 results

Secret Desire

Pineapple and mandariin refresh the pleasantly fragrant, oriental-spicy perfume
note. Plum and vanilla form the sweet base.

TOPАнанас, мандарин, смородина
HEARTмаракуйя, пачули, роза
BASEваниль, слива


A distinctive scent of green tea. The character of this Japanese tee blend is full of
vitality and energy. The fresh, citrus top note is replaced by an herbaceous, slightly
floral scent and s embedded in a hint of amber and musk.

TOPбергамот, лимон
HEARTзелёный чай, роза
BASEбелый мускус, ваниль


A timeless, aromatic-sporty fragrance, consisting of lime, jasmine and geranium,
as well as sandalwood, musk, amber, with a cool freshness kick of mint

TOPапельсиновый цветок, лайм, ноты зелени
HEARTгерань, жасмин, мята
BASEамбра, древесина кедра, мох, мускус

Smooth Harmony

Green hyacinth and lavendel, mixed up with fresh-fruity and green aspects of
grapefruit and cedarwood, have a very calmative and relaxing effect.

TOPбергамот, грейпфрут
HEARTзеленый гиацинт, лаванда, роза, сирень
BASEбобы тонка, древесина кедра, мускус

Soft Kiss

A pleasant, fresh and balsamic scent with a delicate
splash of different flower nuances.

TOPапельсин, грейпфрут, мандарин
HEARTжасмин, магнолия, персик, роза, фиалка
BASEдревесина кедра, мускус, сандал

Soul Fire


Refractive as a crystal, this fragrance convinces with its fruity-floral aromas. The
warming note of amber & musk rounds off the bouquet refined and irresistible

TOPАнанас, мандарин, смородина
HEARTмаракуйя, пачули, роза
BASEваниль, слива

Soul of Summer

A fruity mix of freshly pressed oranges and lemons with
the charm of a warm perfume scent.

TOPапельсин, лемонграсс, мандарин
HEARTжасмин, орхидея
BASEамбра, древесина кедра


The typical scent of a spearmint chewing gum has a refreshing and invigorating
effect. It promotes your concentration and gives your daily routine a vitalizing kick.

TOPмята (spearmint)

Spiced Wine

A wonderfully spicy — warm mulled wine scent for the perfect christmas market

HEARTгвоздика, имбирь, кардамон, миндаль, мускатный орех, специи, яблоко
BASEбобы тонка, карамель, корица, ром

Spring Romance

A gentle and harmonious warm breeze from a mix of the most diverse spring
flowers, such as tulip, lilac and yellow daffodil with fresh green grass

HEARTгиацинт, нарцисс, сирень, тюльпан
BASEландыш, роза

Spruce Needle

A fresh and spicy scent of wood stimulates, activates and balances your mood.

TOPеловая иголка


The sweet but at the same time fruity and juicy scent
of recently picked strawberries


Strawberry Cream

A sweet and creamy pleasure for your nose by its tempting and
delicious scent of strawberry-vanilla.


Sugared Almonds

The sweet scented and harmonic composition enchants with almond,
vanilla and a shot of cinnamon.

TOPсахарный миндаль

Summer Feeling

Причудливая и элегантная композиция из цветов и фруктов, возбуждающая каждый нос цитрусовыми и цветущей провансальской лавандой.

TOPгрейпфрут, лимонное масло
HEARTжасмин, лаванда, ландыш
BASEдревесина кедра, мускус

Summer Fresh

The fresh and sparkling lemongrass scent impresses with its ethereal feeling,
which is rounded off by a floral and fruity base

TOPлемонграсс, лимон
HEARTжасмин, ландыш
BASEдревесина кедра, мускус

Sunny Day

The refreshing scent of blood oranges is activating, mood-lifting and unique

TOPкрасный апельсин


The noble and masculine fragrance for men reflects a powerful-strong attitude.
Bergamot, cypress & amber harmonize seductively bold together and are the
crowning glory of our Superior.

TOPбергамот, лайм, яблоко
HEARTгвоздика, герань, мускатный орех
BASEваниль, древесина кедра, древесина сандала, корица, мускус

Sweet Sugar Cookie

With a topping of sweet tart chocolate drops and the dreamy
combination of sweet vanilla flavor & a hint of creamy caramel make the
Cookie lovers hearts beat faster


Swiss Stone Pine

Balsamic and spicy fresh scent of the Swiss stone pine taking an revitalizing
and at the same time strengthening effect.

TOPшвейцарская кедровая сосна


Floral-sweet with a fruity top note. This fragrance has a special charm due to its
base note of vanilla and plum and a heart note of passion fruit, rose and patchouly,
accompanied by a top note of mandariin and pineapple

TOPАнанас, мандарин, смородина
HEARTмаракуйя, пачули, роза
BASEваниль, слива


Scent of mandariins, releases depressions and tensions and atomizes
a gentle, fresh and mild sweetness


Timber Wind

A scent that enchants the room with a fresh, but also pleasantly warm note of
wood. Cedarwood, sandal, teak and Swiss stone pine form the basis for this creation
and a dash of bergamot rounds off the whole thing with a pleasant freshness

HEARTзвездчатый анис, свежая древесина
BASEдревесина кедра, каменная сосна, сандал, тик


A strong, sweet-warm and aromatic tobacco scent with its sweet, mossy, woody
and honey-like notes lends a mild aroma to your rooms.



The artful combination of sweetly tart tobacco and the warm note of floral spicy
vanilla aroma is reminiscent of the smoky atmosphere of a gentlemen’s club

TOPтабачный лист
HEARTбобы тонка, ваниль, какао, табачный цветок
BASEдревесина сандала, сухофрукты, янтарь

Tropical Fruits

An exciting journey through our Mediterranean composition of scents with culinary
accords of pineapple, coconut and other fruity pleasures.

TOPАнанас, грейпфрут, мандарин
BASEманго, маракуйя, персик


An almost narcotic-exhilarating flowery scent, especially outstanding
through a rich flowery bouquet.



This balsamic-sweet fragrance, with a slightly fruity note, caresses the nose and
stands for cheerfulness and tenderness



Refreshing characters of orange oil, lemon oil and geranium harmonizing
with the relaxing effect of lavendel.

TOPапельсиновое масло, лимонное масло
HEARTгерань, лаванда


The feminine beauty combined with the elegance and sweetness of a
wide variety of flower and fruit mixes

TOPкарамель, персик, роза, слива
HEARTжасмин, шоколад
BASEамбра, ваниль, древесина кедра, мускус